Mjs Labor Services
81822 Highway 395 N
Umatilla, OR 97882
Phone: (541) 922-1620


What We Do
At Mjs Labor Services, we understand that there is a demand for quality labor among today’s workforce administration, and there are many men and women who need a job to simply get by during these tough times. This is why Mjs Labor Services strives to accommodate anyone that inquires with them about a job or needed labor.
We can assure contractors that our workforce is composed of only the most efficient, hard-working, able-bodied men and women available. When using our laborers, you can rest assured that your contract will be carried out quickly and without any error, as we ensure that our workforce is of the highest caliber. It is this guarantee which makes Mjs Labor Services the prime destination for labor services.
Employment opportunities services
Also, we are always open for employment. If you are a day laborer, we welcome you to visit us and seek employment for our various positions and contract work.